Death of a Master Ch. 04


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When Valerie arrived home that night, oblivious to the fact that she and Sally were being watched, she took her slave into her arms and kissed her passionately. While Sally moaned with desire, returning the kiss with equal vehemence, Valerie dropped a hand to her lover's pussy. Sally was wearing very little, as per her standing orders. A short house dress came to above her knees and afforded Valerie easy access to her damp pussy; evidence of the desire that had been simmering in her slave all day.

"I'm going to tease you tonight, Sally. You aren't cumming though. I want you desperate for the party tomorrow."

"Please, Mistress," Sally begged, not really expecting to get her way; not even sure she wanted to get her way tonight. Being needy at a play party was generally a good thing.

"No, Sally," Val whispered as she stroked the folds of Sally's cunt lightly. "I expect someone at the party to use you hard, tomorrow. You'll have to be especially pleasing to earn an orgasm from these people. They're hard Masters and Mistresses. They enjoy seeing and hearing a slave's pain and anguish at their attentions. You'll be begging for relief and mercy all night and may or may not receive either. How does that sound?"

Sally gasped as Valerie thrust her fingers deep at her question. "God, Mistress. That sounds so wicked. Will they bring me to tears?"

"If they don't, I will. I haven't used you like this in months. You're long overdue, aren't you?"

"Yes, Mistress," Sally gasped as she fought to keep from cumming on Valerie's fingers. "Please Mistress, don't make me cum."

"Beg more, Sally. Beg to be allowed to suffer denial."

"Uh…please, don't make me, Mistress. I want to…ah…suffer for you. Let me be obedient."

Valerie flicked her thumb across Sally's clit three times; causing the slave to hold on and tense her body against the pleasure that threatened to overwhelm her. As Val removed her hand, Sally's hips rocked forward in an instinctive attempt to keep the pleasure coming. She brought her fluid covered hand to Sally's mouth, smiling as her slave licked and sucked it clean.

Valerie pulled Sally to the bedroom by her collar. There, in front of their shared dresser, she cupped Sally's chin. "Hold your hands out, slave," she commanded. Sally did so, her eyes half lidded from the increasing levels of submission. Valerie took a length of chain and clipped Sally's wrist cuffs together. The binding wasn't all that restrictive; a full foot between her hands. A second chain, nearly two feet long was attached to the center of the wrist chain and to Sally's collar. The effect was to allow Sally to use her hands, but not below her waist.

"I want you restricted until further notice. No touching yourself, Sally. You'll also be sleeping in the kennel tonight after another round of teasing."

"Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress."

"Now, go finish dinner, my little slut. Only one place at the table tonight."

Sally knelt at Val's feet while she ate, her own hunger ignored. Occasionally, Sally would lean her head against Valerie's thigh, taking comfort from her presence and the domination she exercised. Sally could feel her pussy stir in arousal when Valerie fed her by hand, Sally's own hands clipped to her collar while she was fed. After she'd cleaned up the dinner dishes, Sally found herself gagged, hands bound to her neck again, and lying on Valerie's lap while Val's hands played over her body.

For two hours, Valerie kept Sally at a high level of arousal, her hands caressing Sally's entire body. Able to merely moan, and knowing Valerie had no intention of letting her cum, Sally absorbed the arousal, need and tension being inflicted on her and let it dominate her senses. She writhed under Valerie's touch, her body a well known commodity to be played with a master's skill by her lover.

By the time Valerie stopped, Sally was in tears, her body straining against nothing in its desire to reach that forbidden (for now) orgasm. Valerie led Sally to the large dog kennel in their bedroom and placed Sally in it. Her hands remained clipped to her collar. She could easily remove them, but the thought to do so never occurred to her. Valerie was her Mistress and if Valerie wanted Sally to suffer in need and desire, she would suffer it. Valerie caressed Sally's face, murmuring words of love and endearment; telling Sally how proud she was of her.

In her bed, Valerie sighed. These times were almost as hard on Valerie as they were on Sally. Valerie missed the feel of her lover in bed with her. She knew, though, that this period of mutual frustration would be worth it. The pleasure they would take form one another tomorrow would be a grand thing. In the last two years, Valerie's ability to find joy in domination had grown and evolved. From the submissive who couldn't stand to inflict pain on another, Valerie had found the dominant who enjoyed the tears of her slave; both those of pain and those of pleasure. She needed to be dominant with Sally as much as she needed to be submissive to Charles.

Valerie's alarm went off half an hour early. She roused herself and went to look in on Sally. Sally was still asleep, curled up into nearly a ball. Streaks of tears painted her face; the same face that smiled in her sleep. Val touched Sally's leg, stroking it with soft, loving caresses. Sally jerked away, her hands tugging at her collar until she remembered.

"Mistress? How can I serve you, Mistress?"

"Accept my touch, Sally," Valerie replied as she spread Sally's legs.

Sally moaned, her pussy dampening in an instant at the promise of more sensual torture. Valerie's hands stroked and prodded Sally's body, driving her arousal upwards again. Sally's hands tugged at the clips, trying to reach her beasts, Valerie's body, her own cunt. Her moans were desperate as she knew the feelings wouldn't be allowed to culminate. For half an hour, Valerie teased and played with her slave; until her pussy and thighs were wet from her juices and her nipples were painfully hard rocks begging to be bitten, pinched, caressed, anything that caused feeling of some kind in them.

"You're beautiful, Sally."

"Mistress, please, it's so hard."

"I know, love. It's supposed to be hard. You can do this; you have to do this. I'm not giving you a choice. You'll be teasing yourself every hour while I'm gone; teasing yourself to the brink of cumming without letting yourself go over the top."

A sob escaped Sally's throat before she whispered, "Yes, Mistress."

"Let's get you out of there, slave. You still need to fix my breakfast while I shower."

Valerie left her slave to tease herself repeatedly while she went in to work again. With the previous week's backlog cleared, Valerie was able to concentrate on the business that was current. Much of her work was routine, and possibly a little boring; though Val loved the advertising business and was far less bored than others might have been. Her 11:00 appointment was not entirely routine.

"Ms. Burbon," June's voice came through on the intercom. "Mr. Juntila from Sylvia's Switch is here."

"Show him in, June."

Valerie got up to greet her guest. "Mr. Juntila, it's a pleasure to meet you again. How are things at Sylvia's?" Valerie's hand reached out to shake his hand. She ld him to a chair and took her own seat.

"Ms. Burbon, always a pleasure. Business has been fine, but my superiors wish to improve on it. Thus my being here."

"How can Delgrasi help?"

"You're familiar with our line of products, are you not?" he asked. Seeing her nod, he continued. Sylvia's switch specialized in the softer, milder forms of restraint and impact play. They offered a variety of softer floggers and whips with broad, gentle falls designed to titillate rather than cause real pain. Their selection of restraints were equally mild in feel and appearance (while they didn't invent the fur lined cuff, they took the idea and ran with it). "Our toys are quite popular with what we like to think of as the near vanilla crowd; the dabblers, if you will. As BDSM became more known mainstream, we saw a progressive increase in sales; something that made the stockholders quite happy."

"I can imagine. Has something changed?"

"Yes, I'm afraid so. For the last two years, we've seen sales and profits flattening. Our growth in the last fiscal year was 0.12 percent; and that was down from the previous year."

"I can see why that would be of some concern. If the trend continues, you'll see profits shrink next year. Have you any idea what the cause is?"

"Exactly! The cause, we believe is our very success. Our products are carried in stores that cater to the vanilla person. BDSM is now, at least knowledge wise, mainstream. There's no one new to reach. Popular movies include bondage and light impact play. Valerie's Crisis," Valerie blushed at the reference, "depicted more serious BDSM in a positive light for the first time and there's rumors of additional movies of that type in the works. In other words, everyone who would be interested in our current line of products knows of them already. While there's always a new crop of aficionados, we suspect we're also seeing customer loss."

"I see, and I'll bet I know where from. Mr. and Mrs. Vanilla try out some of your delectable, soft, suede floggers and discover they like it. In fact, they like it so much they want more, and your line doesn't offer that to them. So, they shop around and find companies such as Whips'n'More that offer a far more diverse selection."

"You've hit our concerns on the head. We compiled some data that seems to reinforce that idea. Fully three quarters of our mail order customer base is new; and has been for over the last five years."

"I see. In other words, you lose three fourths of your customers each year; they never buy from you again."

"That's what the data seems to say. At this rate, we could see the end of the company in ten years. This, of course, just won't do."

"Have you come up with a solution?"

"We think so. Clearly, the best means to attack this problem is to broaden our product line. We need to offer products that will appeal to the customer that's discovered it wants more from their play. You can see the problem."

Yes, indeed, Valerie could see the problem. Sylvia's Switch was poised to give itself an image problem. The company's slogan, the basis of all it's advertising, was, "Discriminating toys for the sexually playful." Their entire image was based on the gentleness and softness of their toys. A line of toys for the more serious player could potentially run afoul of their previous efforts, making both lines of products flop.

"So, what you need is some way to introduce a new product line, a harsher, if you will, product line, that won't conflict with your current, very successful, product line. You want to, essentially, replicate the success MacDonalds® had when it first introduced fast food breakfasts without experiencing the near disaster that Coke® had with new coke."

"That about sums it up With so many advertising agencies still shying away from adult product companies, our first thought was Delgrasi and your services."

"That's what we hoped would happen when we created the position in the company Has development started on the new products themselves?"

"Yes, we hope to have the initial line of whips and restraints ready to ship in three months. We'd like to have an advertising lead time of at least a month, if not two. Can you help us?"

"I think so. Nothing comes to mind in the few minutes so far, but these things take time to develop. I'd like to get together with your in house ad people and the designers to toss some ideas around; a general brainstorming session."

"I'll give your secretary the contact info and she and our girl can set things up."

"Good. I hope we can put something together for you soon. You make a good product and I'm looking forward to seeing what your people come up with."

Valerie showed him out, telling June to contact his company and set up a preliminary meeting with them to discuss ad brainstorm ideas for the new advertising campaign. The rest of her day was routine and Valerie was able to leave for home an hour early. She stopped in at Calvin's office on her way out.

"Hi, Mary. Has Calvin left for the day?"

"Oh, hello, Ms. Burbon. No, but he just finished with his last meeting of the day. You can go on in, if you wish."

"Thanks, Mary."

Valerie stepped into Calvin Freshin's office. He was packing his valise with some papers.

"I see we had the same idea, Calvin."

"So it seems. Will you be going home to pick up your slave, or is Sally driving herself?"

"I suspect Sally is in no condition to drive by now. I'm hoping she'll have an unpleasant enough night to enjoy the memory of for quite some time."

"Ah, that does sound delicious."

"I'll see you at the house. I want to get some food before the evening starts."

"Don't let Sally eat too much."

"Oh, she won't."

Valerie drove home, not noticing the same car following her that had been doing so all week. Inside, she found Sally sitting naked on the couch, her hands under her legs. The smell of female arousal was heavy in the air and Val could see Sally's juices glistening on and between her legs. Sally looked up with a desperate expression.

"Mistress?" she whispered, hoping against hope for relief from the torture she'd been putting herself through.

Valerie sat down next to Sally and wrapped an arm around her. "I see you've been obedient, my little slave." Sally trembled at Valerie's touch. "You need to cum badly, don't you?" Valerie continued when Sally nodded. "It's not going to happen right now, love. You can cum if any of the others let you at Sir Calvin's, but otherwise not until I bring you off myself."

"Yes, Mistress," Sally sobbed, her arms going around Valerie. "I want what you want, even when it isn't what I want."

"I know, dear. Let's get you and me ready to go. I want you looking your most submissive tonight."

Valerie strapped Sally's arms behind her back, wrapping each wrist to the opposite arm's elbow. Val then attached a light chain between her nipple rings and threaded it through the ring in her collar. This held Sally's nipples up by their rings, adding a constant, low level, pain to her slave. A bondage belt was secured to Sally's waist. This particular belt had a dozen rings around it's length for clipping whatever to. Two were used when Val added two dildos, one in her ass and one in her pussy. Another strap, tied off to two of the belt's rings forced the two fake cocks to stay in. Four inch spiked heels went on Sally's feet before Valerie draped a coat (more of a cloak, really), over her shoulders. Once the front buttons were fastened, Sally's nakedness was just barely covered.

For her own attire, Valerie donned a bustierre that pushed her breasts up and together. Black stockings (that matched her bustierre), held up with garter straps, covered her legs. She left her pussy and ass uncovered, planning on having someone busy there at some point (or points) during the night. To create the severe look she wanted, she put a white miniskirt with matching white vest (both leather of course). She didn't try to close the vest, instead letting it hang open to tantalize the slaves (and other Masters). The skirt had a wide belt as an integral part of it, and from this she hung a coiled whip and a crop.

Valerie packed a few more toys (Calvin had a large selection at the house) and an overnight bag in case she wanted to stay over at his place for the night (a likely occurrence). Sally was led out to the car by her leash. In the years they'd been living in this house, their neighbors had grown used to seeing one of "those strange women" leading the other by a leash. The neighbors were never exposed, directly, to any sexual play, so there weren't any complaints (Valerie suspected that the two men three houses down enjoyed the glimpses they received).

Calvin's place was far more secluded than Valerie and Sally's house. This afforded Val the opportunity to slip Sally's cloak off and lead her to the front door in her near nudity. Shortly after she knocked on the door, Calvin opened and invited Valerie in.

"It's good to see you again, Valerie. Come in, you're the first one here. I like what you've done with Sally." He sniffed the air, commenting, "I see you've kept her on edge. Is she on restriction tonight?"

Valerie could tell Calvin hoped she was. "That's up to whomever uses her tonight. Until we get home, only they can give her permission."

"Good. If I get her, she won't be cumming all night. Go ahead and tie her up next to Susan downstairs. Feel free to tease her it you want. I'll join you once everyone has arrived. Did you bring your key?"

Valerie held up the key to Sally's collar. "Never leave home without it. Come along, slave," she ordered Sally.

Down in Calvin's extensive dungeon, Valerie found Susan lightly bound to an A-frame with a blindfold covering her eyes, and a mouth covering gag keeping her silent. Valerie thought she detected a bit of happiness in Susan's demeanor; probably in anticipation of the upcoming play session. Valerie slipped the looped end of the leash over a pole and wandered over to Susan. Her bindings allowed her a fair range of movement, though she couldn't bring her arms all the way to her sides, nor could she close her legs. Valerie could see fluid dampening Susan's pussy; a few drops having made their way to her thighs and slowly dripping down her legs.

Valerie let her fingers brush, gently across Susan's nipples, smiling when there was a sharp intake of breath and a thrusting of her chest out. She flicked her fingers against both nipples several times, watching as Susan's breathing became sharper and a low mew came from her throat. Letting her attention drift, Valerie brought her hand down to Susan's cunt, slipping three fingers in deep with no warning. Susan tensed at the intrusion, and then tensed more as Valerie lifted with her arm, forcing the bound woman to stand on her toes. Fingers still embedded in her twat, Valerie brought her thumb to Susan's clit and rubbed it harshly. The slave started humping at Valerie's hand, lost in the painful pleasure she was being subjected to. The moan of despair widened Val's grin when she stopped the teasing suddenly.

The other two Masters arrived within the half hour, their slaves also in restrictive bondage when they entered. Valerie had not met either Hudson Wilkes or Garth Quenton before; neither had she met their slaves, Andrew and Helena. Hudson had Andrew's hands bound behind his back and pulled up to the middle of his back by a rope connected to a leather harness. His cock and balls were encased in a cage that squeezed them quite a bit; a fact evidenced by Andrew's pained expression when he walked. Val noticed studs on the inner sides of the bars of the cage pressing into his sensitive member. The bar studs in his nipples didn't have anything attached to them.

Helena's arms were in a binder glove, laced tight enough to pull her elbows together. She was blindfolded and her mouth was held open by a wire jaw spreader; there were dials for increasing and decreasing the tension in her mouth. Her chin and chest were slick with her saliva; an indication that she'd been in the spreader for more than just a few minutes. The words, "slave," and, "slut" were tattooed across the tops of her breasts.

Once all four slaves had been secured in the dungeon, Calvin brought out the fishbowl. In truth, it was an opache clay pot, but this type of play party had been called a fish bowl party for as long as anyone could remember. An idea stolen from swingers, each master put the key to their slave's collar in the bowl and then each Master or Mistress pulled out one (they couldn't keep their own) and that was the slave they played with for the night. Usually, the people knew each other well enough that there were no worries about what activities would be inflicted on the slaves. Tonight, Valerie was trusting Calvin's judgment on that score.