I Knew There Was A Reason


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There was an audible exhalation from the watchers. "Well, fuck me," said Jenny quietly.

Before he could stop himself, Pete responded. "Yes, please," he said.

There was a gasp, a long pause, and Jenny said softly, "Back to the bedroom. We need to talk."

Back in his bedroom, Pete sat up against the headboard of the big bed while Jenny sat cross-legged facing him. She gave Pete a quizzical smile.

"Are we okay with this?" she said.

"You mean, with your Dad fucking my Mom, and your Mom being there, too, obviously enjoying it? You mean, am I okay with that?"

"Yeah, I guess that's what I mean."

There was a pause. "I think I am, I mean, it's their business," said Pete. "If they're all happy with it, why shouldn't we be? If we hadn't been spying on them, we'd never have known."

"I think that's the way I feel, too," said Jenny. "Pete?" she said, her eyes avoiding his. He glanced across at her, noting the slight flush on her face even in the low light from the bedside lamp.


"Can I ask you something very personal?"

There was a long pause. "Okay," said Pete, finally, wondering.

"Tell me it's none of my business if you like, but are you still a virgin?"

Pete felt himself flush, but Jenny's question seemed to be prompted by what they had just winessed, so he answered honestly. "No, but I haven't had an awful lot of experience." Mental images of a sweat-damp, eager, naked Marilyn Webb flashed across his memory.

"Anyone I know?"Jenny said, with a sideways grin.

Pete laughed. "No, so stop fishing." There was another pause. "Why do you ask?"

Jenny looked away again, gnawing her bottom lip. "Today, I'm eighteen, I'm legally adult. I'm also still virgin. I decided a while ago that I wanted to change that, but I also thought that when I lost my cherry it would have be to someone I really liked, someone I trusted, and ideally, someone I wouldn't be looking to marry at some future date. I didn't really want to do it with anyone around here, and when I heard you were coming up here with your mom, I decided you were going to be checked out as a candidate for the job."

"Um," said Pete, not knowing what to say.

"Come on, Pete, you weren't averse to fondling my tit, were you?"

"Well, no, of course not. It's a very nice tit. In fact, it's one of the nicest I've ever been privileged to fondle."

"Held many?" said Jenny, with a grin. "And I think you enjoyed the kiss, too?" she added.

"Yes," said Pete, nodding, smiling, "I enjoyed the kiss, too."

"So, Peter, I'd like you to have the honour, if you will." Finally, she allowed herself to look at him.

Pete was stunned. Stunned, yes, excited, too, but he was still curious. "Why so, um, clinical?"

Jenny laughed. "Good question. I start college next year. There's a very good chance I'll get some boyfriends there, maybe steady ones. I thought about this, and I decided I wanted to be able to agree to fuck without the whole cherry-popping business getting in the way."

"A bit cold-blooded, don't you think?" said Pete mildly, but his mind was whirling.

"Oh, don't worry about that," said Jenny. "I promise you, whoever does the deed for me will get a really good time!" She laughed. "Come on, Pete. Will you, please?"

Pete laughed in his turn, gazing at his cousin. She looked back at him, flushed, eyes sparkling, anxious, beautiful. Pete nodded. "Jenny, if that's truly what you want, I would be delighted. I'm your boy." Jenny squealed and hugged him, kissing his cheek.

"I'm glad it's you," she said softly. "Before you ask, Pete, I want it comfortable, in bed," she said, "so I guess now, tonight."

Pete smiled at her. "Yes, I want to help you lose your virginity, yes, I want you, but how do you want to go about it?"

"Pete?" said Jenny, thoughtful. "You masturbate, right?"

Pete flushed. "Yeah, I guess so."

"When you do, or maybe when you fucked your mysterious lady friend, do you come fairly quickly?"

Pete nodded. "First time, yeah."


"Mari - , um, my friend, my lover, always says second is better. I last longer."

"How many times have you had her?" Jenny asked in honest curiosity. "I mean, come on, 'always'?"

"Yeah," said Pete, laughing. "Okay, we've fucked maybe a dozen times, managed twice on maybe six or so of those occasions."

"Quick recovery?" said Jenny.

"Pretty quick, yeah. Why all the questions?"

"I've had an idea. I thought maybe you could pop me, but not come. Sort of just break the hymen. Then I can jack you off, 'cos I've always wanted to see a boy actually come. Pete?"

"I'm game, but then what?"

"I get you hard again, and then a nice slow second time. Maybe thirds in the morning. You get to put your prick somewhere warm, wet and welcoming, I get valuable experience for college." Jenny grinned at him. "So?"

"You offer me paradise and expect me to say no? Yes, of course."

Jenny grinned. "Time to get naked!" She stood, lithe, slender, quickly peeling off her t-shirt top and pushing off her shorts, and stood, waiting. Pete held his hands up in surrender, wriggled his shorts off and lay back, prick now fully erect.

"How do you want me?" said Jenny softly.

"On my left, to start with, as I kiss best left-handed. After I've popped your cherry, we'll see. Is that okay?"

"That's just great, Pete," said Jenny, moving quickly to lie back next to him.

Pete slid his left arm under her neck, leaning over to kiss her. She offered her lips as his head came down and they kissed. The kiss was friendly at first, but they were both conscious of the undercurrent of emotion and Jenny's lips parted easily to Pete's probing tongue, sucking him in, tongue twining, heat rising in each of them. Pete's right hand moved up from her hip and cupped her breast. She moaned softly and pressed his hand to her for a moment, then lifted it, pushing it lower, across her flat belly, lower...

Pete cupped her mons for a moment, then extended his finger to slide it down her cleft. She gasped and he glanced at her face, bottom lip caught between her teeth, an expression of pleasure, wonder, on her pretty face. She smiled as she caught his eye.

"I like this," she whispered. He bent and kissed her again, slipping a finger into her wetness. She gasped as his finger moved in her. She gripped his shoulder. "Now," she whispered. "Please, now."

Pete moved to kneel between Jenny's legs as she spread them ready to take him. Even in the relative gloom of the bedroom, he could see moisture in her cleft. He bent to press his prick against her pussy and Jenny moved her hand to grasp him lightly, guiding him into her. "I didn't know it would be so hot," she whispered. He grinned and pressed gently into her, watching her face, seeing the wonder on it as he moved into her, pressing forward, then moving lightly back, spreading her juices, pressing forward again, deeper, wondering where her hymen was, enjoying the tightness of her pussy around him, her wetness, the liquid slither as he moved in her, the audible readiness of her as he moved.

"Oh, Jesus," she hissed, "you feel huge."

Pete pressed again, then back, forward, bottoming, his balls against Jenny's ass. He allowed himself a few long strokes, then stopped, smiling down at her. "I'd better stop, or else you're not going see me blow."

She smiled, stretching up to kiss him. "Okay," she said, looking down at their join as Pete withdrew.

Sitting back on his heels, prick glistening with her juices, Pete frowned. "I couldn't feel a hymen."

Jenny shrugged. "Maybe horse riding, or playing with my dildo," she said, a soft smile curving her lips. "Yours is definitely the first real, live - hot - prick, that's ever been in me. Thanks, Pete. I'm really looking forward to later."

"If you've been playing with a dildo, I'm not surprised you misplaced your hymen," said Pete with a laugh. He stroked his prick, still hard and ready. "I believe you wanted to play with this."

"Oh, please. I want to make you come!"

"Come, yes, but where?"

She frowned. "On me, I guess," she said. "That's where all the porn films I've seen end."

"How many have you seen?" said Pete, suddenly even more curious about his cousin.

Jenny grinned. "Two," she laughed. "You?"

"About a dozen. Boring after the first couple." He laughed. "You're right, they always seem to pull out and come over their partner." He looked at her, looking expectantly at him. "Is that what you want?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I have to know what it feels like," she said. "I might never want to do it again, but I need to know."

"Where do you want it? Mouth? Breasts?"

"Both!" said Jenny.

"Tell you what," said Pete. "You kneel at the foot of the bed. I'll stand there, facing you, and that way you can aim me where you want me. Okay?"

Jenny gave him a smile. "Please. I very much want to jack you off."

There was a flurry of movement as the cousins rearranged themselves. Pete grinned at the expectation on Jenny's face, kneeling, naked, tousled, freshly-fucked - well, freshly-penetrated, full fucking would come later - and absolutely beautiful. She took a careful grip on his prick and began to stroke it, and he thrilled at her touch, knowing that it wouldn't be long before he would come. Her hand caught and he winced.

"What is it?" said Jenny, concerned.

"We need lubrication."

"Hand cream," said Jenny, instantly. "On the dresser." Pete reached across and passed it to her. She grinned as she poured some into her palm. "Closer, cuz," she murmured.

Pete closed his eyes as Jenny's small fist closed over his hardness, stroking, caressing, a stimulating attack on his sense centres, bringing him back up the long slope towards climax. He closed his eyes for a moment, remembering the sensations of penetrating her, relishing the moment in his memory. The vision of his Mom being fucked by his uncle John came unbidden to his mind and he smiled.

"Penny for them," said Jenny.

"Mom, and your Dad," he said with a grin.

"Yeah!" said Jenny, her hand still busy on him. "Awesome!"

Pete moved his hips slightly, encouraging her to make longer strokes. It wouldn't be long, he knew, and as the sensations strengthened his eyes closed for a moment, the sensations she was inducing strong in him. He looked up at her expectant face. "Move - your - head - closer," he managed to say, "mouth - open, I'm - almost - there." She grinned, crouching closer, mouth open, ready for him, a baby bird waiting to be fed. Her hand quickened, the sensations peaking.

"Now!" he cried, and his first jet hit Jenny in the corner of her mouth, his second squarely on her tongue. A third reached her mouth again, a fourth her chin. A weaker jet landed on Jenny's left nipple, one weaker still dribbled onto her right breast, and he slowed to a trickle. Jenny scooped the semen from her breast with one finger and into her mouth, leaning forward, capturing his prick with her mouth, licking the head, her fingers squeezing his softening weapon, her tongue busy.

Jenny sat up, leaning forward and kissing Pete lightly. He realised with a start that he was tasting himself.

"What time is it?" said Jenny suddenly.

Pete glanced at his watch. "A minute to twelve."

"Best Halloween ever," she said, in a tone of deep satisfaction. "I even have a wizard with a magic wand."

Pete laughed and bent to kiss Jenny again. "Come to bed," she said.

They snuggled down together under the bedcovers, Jenny's head on Pete's shoulder, his arm around her, his hand playing with her breast, fondling, squeezing the nipple. She stretched up and kissed his chin.

"You could use a shave," she said, running her fingers across his chin.

"Will morning do?"

"Of course."



"Something I should have thought of earlier. Do we need condoms, and if so, have you got any, because I didn't think I'd need any on this trip?"

Jenny chuckled. "No. I talked the whole college thing over with Mom, and she got me an appointment with the clinic. I've been on the pill for two months now."

"Better safe than sorry? Good thinking. Marilyn's Mom thinks the same way."

"Marilyn? Is that your girl back home?"

"Yeah. I was kinda missing her for a while, but I just might be able to hold out."

"Because you have a horny fuckin' cousin - not kissin' cousin - to help you?"

"Yeah, that might have something to do with it." Pete laughed, and bent to give Jenny a quick kiss.

"Pete?" she said as the kiss ended. "When you and Marilyn have fucked once, and you're getting around to round two, what do you do?"

"While I'm getting my second wind, you mean?"


"Sometimes I eat her, or we play with each other. Remember, we've only fucked a dozen or so times, we're still learning about each other."

"You eat her? You mean, her pussy?"


"Does she shave it?"

"She shaves it the same way you have. A little tuft on the mons, bare below."

Jenny giggled. "I knew there was a reason. Pete?"

He forestalled her. "Will I eat you?"

Jenny blinked. "Yes."

"I'd love to."


"Why not? By the time you come, I'll be hard again. We can fuck, then we can sleep."

"Yes! I want you to come inside me this time. Could we maybe fuck again in the morning?"

"Maybe, love, maybe. One step at a time."

"Will you step between my legs, then, and eat me?"

"On my way." Pete threw the bedcovers back, baring them both. He glanced at Jenny, and she smiled, eyes bright, face alive with anticipation. "Shuffle back a bit, love, give me a bit of room down here."

Obediently, Jenny shuffled back, her back against the headboard. She moved a pillow and put it behind her. "I'm ready," she said, spreading her legs for him. On his elbows, Pete leaned in and breathed her aroma. Rich, pungent, familiar, yet different. He grinned at his thoughts and leaned closer, extending his tongue, running it lightly the full length of Jenny's slit. She jumped as his tongue flicked across her clitoris, then moaned.

"Oh, Pete, I like it!"

He grinned up at her and renewed his loving assault, letting his tongue run the length of her nether lips, between them, between the labia and the thigh, kissing her thighs as he moved, tongue flicking lightly over her clitoris. Maybe it was the excitement of the evening hitting her, it probably was, but Pete could hear her breathing quickening, deepening, until she was almost panting. He paused briefly, easing his stiffening prick into a more comfortable position, and she moaned again.

"Yes, Pete, yes, I like it! Eat me, lover, eat me!" She reached down, pulling his head closer against himself, her hips working, rolling. He resumed his assault on her core, tongue flicking, lips pursed, sucking, soft bites that nipped her between his lips, never his teeth. She was panting now, and he increased the tempo of his attack, now flicking her clitoris withhis tongue, now stabbing into her with pointed tongue. He'd moved onto his knees now, easing the pressure on his revived erection, hard between his thighs.

"I'm coming, Pete, lover, oh fuck! I'm coming!" Jenny panted, her thighs gripping his ears, fingers clenched in his hair. "Oh, fuck, oh, fuck, oh, fuck," she chanted, a mantra for orgasm, her voice tightening, breathing ever quicker until, belly rippling, she came, clutching him, a scream clenched tight between her teeth, shaking, trembling, quivering slowly into stillness until he stabbed her with his tongue again, flicked her clitoris and she cried out wordlessly as the moment took her again.

This time he let her come down from her high, kissing her sex gently, savouring the sweet-savoury taste of her. She stilled and there was sweat on her brow as she smiled at him, weakly blowing a kiss as she fought to regain her equilibrium.

"Wow," she breathed, her smile shaky, "that was something else!"

Pete smiled back at her. His experience with Marilyn had certainly helped make Jenny's experience memorable. He sat back on his heels, erection pointed roofwards. Jenny's eyes widened and she slid herself down the bed, legs spread wide, wet, ready.

"Fuck me, lover," she said. Pete grinned and leaned forward, sliding his prick into her soaking depths. Her breath came out in a long sigh as he moved into her, her hands on his back, heels behind his thighs, urging him on. He bottomed, balls against her ass, and paused for a moment, looking down at her, the sheen of sweat wet upon her face. He bent and kissed her, beginning to move, his prick sliding easily, audibly, in her slick, heated, tunnel.

There was no withdrawal this time, his prick moving steadily in her slippery juices, enjoying the cling of her, the heat of her, the rich animal-woman scent of her, primitive, raw, stimulant to nostrils and hardness both, hard within her, relishing the moment, enjoying the rut. Jenny's breathing was quickening again, deepening, her fingers fluttering aimlessly across his shoulders as they fucked. He could feel himself getting closer, that bone-deep tingle that comes before climax, the feeling as if a cord is being dragged up through a man's loins, bringing with it that breathless tightening, that exquisite agony, that miniature death of climax.

And he came, hard, his seed jetting deep within her and something in the moment triggered her anew and she came again, clutching at him, her pussy grasping him, milking him, draining him, their combined climaxes triggering a miniature earthquake in the rumpled bed.

Gradually, they stilled, slow awareness returning, balance restored. Jenny smiled weakly at Pete, stretching up to kiss him. "Thank you," she whispered.

He smiled, shaking his head. He eased himself gently from her and sat back, prick mostly limp, gleaming with their combined juices. He glanced down. "I think we need to clean up."

Jenny smiled, soft, sweet. "You go."

He was back in moments with a damp, warm, washcloth and towel, and he bathed and dried her carefully. She was drowsy, and by the time he'd cleaned himself and returned the towel and washcloth to the bathroom, she was almost asleep. He slid into bed beside her. She murmured a soft goodnight and then she was asleep. He smiled to himself, putting his arm around her. He kissed her ear.

"Goodnight, Jenny."

The morning light woke him and he glanced at his watch. Five-thirty. Warm against him, Jenny slept on. She was sprawled, the bedcovers pushed down past her hips, hair a gorgeous red tangle on the pillow. He grinned suddenly, easing himself from the bed and moving to where he'd left his new camera. The daylight was bright through the window, and he carefully set the camera not to use the flash, focussed, and pressed the shutter release. He moved, refocussed, shot again, again. Jenny stirred and he put the camera back on the dresser, slipping back into bed beside her.

She woke suddenly, startled, not knowing where she was for a moment. She stared at him blankly for a moment, until memory cut in, and she smiled, a remembering smile, happy. She leaned across and kissed him lightly. "Good morning, lover."

"Morning, Jenny. You okay?"

A broad grin spread across her face. "What do you think?"

Pete laughed. "I think you enjoyed yourself. I certainly did."

"What time is it?"

"Almost quarter to six."

"Damn, I wanted to fuck again, but I'd better get into my own bed, in case anyone calls us."

Pete kissed her. "Okay."

"Tonight?" said Jenny.

"We sleep together again?"

"I certainly hope so."

She grinned. "Yes!" She kissed him lightly and scrambled out of bed, naked, tousled, lovely in the morning sunshine. "I'll go straight in the shower." She blew him a kiss and was gone. He lay back, smiling, listening to the bathroom sounds next door. He got out of bed for a moment and got his camera, switching it so that he could preview his pictures on the screen. The sleeping Jenny made a lovely model. He wondered if he could get her to pose nude for him at the pool. Worth a try.