The Ultimate Sacrifice


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Pam was disgusted and maddened. She hated whores, especially shameless ones like Gayle, who gave decent women a bad name. She felt a strong desire to hurt her.

"Make sure nobody finds out, Gayle. Folks around town might not cotton to you being a Nigger whore!"

For a second, Gayle's eyes blazed ferociously. Then she broke into a smile. It was a sweet, pretty smile, but Pam thought she saw something evil shining in her eyes.

"I will set up a meeting, just make sure you don't fuck up. Then you will finally have some money, and you can buy some nice clothes, get that hair and nails done and get some liposuction too, my dear!"

Pam flushed deeply and her eyes blazed. "I'm happy with my body as it is."

"If you insist," Gayle snickered, turning up her nose. "Just don't forget my twenty percent! Twenty, not fifteen, or I will find someone else. Talk to Rick. He is the smart one of you two." Gayle stood up, nodded and left.

As Gayle made her way to her drop top, pink sports car, that she was renting and her lover was paying for, a nasty smile deepened on her pretty face. She had really felt insulted form the way Pam had looked at her. She wanted revenge.

Initially, Gayle had the idea to get Pam and Rick awarded the contract so she could earn some money on the side, without working for it. But now, she couple another mission to the deal. She would show Pam that everyone whored, when the price was right. She would talk to Don. Her black lover was kinky and had a nasty streak. Sure, he would not object, to enjoying Pam and using her like a slut, as part of the deal.

As Gayle cruised away in her car, she laid a hand in her lap and squeezed herself between the legs to relieve an itch. Her dripping, moist pussy squelched. Gosh. She was horny. And her nasty plans were making her even hornier. Gayle had no illusions. For Don, she was just his playmates. Sure, he fucked other women. She didn't care, as long as he fucked her good and spent money on her. But Gayle would care if he fucked Pam. She would care a lot. She would love to see the look on Pam's cum covered face when she walked in and said,

"How did you like that big, fat, black nigger cock, Pamela hon?"

Chapter 3

Pam sat back in her chair in the office she shared with her husband and boss, Rick. He was not really her boss. She owned half the company, at least, due to deferred salaries and hundreds of hours of unpaid over time.

Not that he was complaining. Pam was satisfied. They had a few contracts, and they could service their loans, pay their bills and afford themselves an OK lifestyle. Things had looked very different, when she first started working for Rick.

Rick was twenty eight then and Pam was 24. Due to temping for years, she had a lot of experience with office work, from doing books to management and logistics. It did not take to realize that Rick was not a good book keeper, officer manager or even business manager for that matter. The only thing Rick really was good at was acquisition, for he was a smooth talker, a charmer and a confident salesman.

Pam fell for Rick's charms. She felt affection towards him, the handsome, charming blond. She saw some good in him. He treated her well, charmed her and made her feel special.

Pam had a complex about her curvy, feminine body, especially after her ex, and the love of her life, Andrew left her for Gayle, the type of tall, slim blond that was always in the media. She rode horses and even took aerobics regularly, which made her body very fit, but she could not get rid of the curves and her thick, round, apple bottom.

Rick was so much in the red he could not even pay her. Pam took a job in a restaurant in the evenings and worked in the day time for Rick, putting her heart into the company.

Pam always liked difficult challenges and though not very highly educated, she was smart and resourceful.

She split up the work so that she took care of the office and managed the business and Rick acquired clients. Slowly, they paid off Rick's debts and got the company financially solid.

Initially, Rick was only charming to Pam because he needed her. Pam did not aspire to model proportions, and that was a no, for Rick. He only dated tall, slim, pretty girls, preferably blond and blue eyed.

However, Pam really brought a change in his life. He noticed that she was a good woman. She was hard working, unlike the gold diggers he dated usually. She believed in him and encouraged him to get the best out of himself. And she managed to maneuver him out of his troubled waters.

Rick began to appreciate her and she grew on him. They started dating and then they moved together. They got married after two years of dating. On the day that she met Gayle for lunch, Pam had been married to Rick for five years.

From the start it was a love and business relationship. They spent practically the whole day together, at the office. She was his secretary, manager, advisor, pillar of support and loving wife all in one. Pam was a very loyal, upright and respectable person.

Their sex life was good. Pam was very shy and prudish, but Rick was experienced in bed. In the beginning, they used to make love often, but as time went on, and the work load kept increasing. She had to put in long hours at work and he had to travel a lot on business. The sex became less and less. They still enjoyed sleeping with each other but they were lucky if they even did it 5 times in a month. That was the price one had to pay.

Pam was however not complaining. One or two more years and she and her husband would be doing finely, financially. Then she would employ someone else for the office, and they would have children. She wanted to bear Rick two or three children.

As she thought back to Gayle, and the lunch, Pam snorted. She decided she would say no to her offer. She did not want to be involved with her filth. She and Rick had come this far without cutting corners. But she would tell Rick, just to hear what he said. And she would ask him about the lies Gayle was telling about him.

Chapter 4

As Rick cruised along in his car, his thoughts were centered on Pam. What would he say to her. Rick felt so guilty and cursed himself. Gosh! Why had he been so stupid. And how could he face the disappointment in his wife's eyes.

Rick had been very satisfied for a while, but as the business started making money, the old dog was tempted by his old ways. He was becoming somebody again, somebody with money. And Pam started looking less attractive to him. She had a curvy body, and wide hips thick, round ass. Rick started planning that when they really made money, he would make sure she went to some cosmeticians, to get that fixed. And his sex life with her began to seem kind of boring. She did not know how to suck dick properly. And she was not into wild, kinky things, being too shy, really.

Rick felt guilty, as he lapsed back into his old ways.

He started playing Mr Big spender when he was out of town. And he cheated on his wife with a hot, slim, young blond, after taking her out in a town far from home, and spending loads of money on her and lying to her about his personal wealth.

At first, it was just a little, but the little got too little, so the little got more and more. Then Rick had opened a secret credit card and check account and gradually lost control over it. That was when he started issuing rubber checks. And now he was in shit. He did not have the money. Their company did not have it, and no bank would lend him the money. He saw the barred doors of jail beckoning.

Suddenly, Rick felt a sharp pang of pain. What would happen with Pam if he was locked up for several years. Would she wait for him or move on, after all the disappointment. Rick's eyes suddenly became very moist as he realized that Pam was the best thing that had ever happened to him, and he loved her very much. He knew he didn't deserve a second chance, but he looked desperately at the clear, blue skies and said a silent whisper to the heavens above.

Rick parked his old, beat up, dusty Mazda pulled up in front of an office building. He climbed out, his brow knitted in worry and walked wearily to a door with a sign that said, "Bridges Distribution and Logistics"

Pam sat in the office, writing something on the computer and humming happily. She had opened the top buttons of her white shirt, exposing an ample amount of silky cleavage. As Rick entered, Pam became very merry.

"Hi darling. How did the meeting with the creditors go?"

Rick replied in a drab voice, "Bad. Real bad."

"Oh darling. Why? I mean, our figures are good."

"Ah, I am sure we can sort it out. Don't worry." He took a seat behind his computer, on the other side of her desk.

"Rick, I met Gayle for lunch today."

"Why did you meet up with that cunt!"

Pam told him.

"Gayle is really sunk so low that I cant even believe it. Can you imagine she is sleeping with a black man, behind poor Andrew's back. Just for the money."

However, Pam saw no loathing in her husband's eyes.

"Lets do it. Gosh, why didn't you tell me soon as I walked in."

"Because we are not taking her offer. She can find someone else."

"What! Are you crazy? We have to take this deal."

"No. Its wrong and I hate Gayle. And she was saying bad things about you, that you used to steal from her. Rick, you should not even talk to that whore!"

"Listen Pam, we need this much more than you can imagine. I didn't tell you the full details. We are in shit! Deep shit!"

"What is it? I mean, its not like we are that heavily in debt."

"I am. Its some old stuff I had all but forgotten about. Now, someone bought that old debt and they are after me."

"How much?"

"About six hundred thousand," he rasped, exaggerating. It was only about 15, but still enough to have him locked up.

"What! Rick. How come I don't know about it?"

"I assumed it got written off. I am just as shocked as you are."


Pam was angry, sad, desperate and frustrated. She was so proud of all the hard work they had put into work, to manage to clear Rick's huge debts. Now this. Suddenly, something crossed her mind.

Rick ran desperately from around his desk. "Pam, please honey, I know you don't like shady stuff. But once we get this contract, its all legal. Please check your mails and see if she sent something."

there was a mail from Gayle. They both read it. Rick became all jittery...

"Oh my goodness. That would bring us at least three million dollars in a year. Of course we would have to invest a lot to boost our capacity. But heck, we can pay off the debt and have a good life."

"Rick, I am not sure about this."

"Call up Gayle, set up a meeting and tell her she can have her twenty percent. Of the net though."

Pam was not too happy as she called Gayle. Gayle said she would call back.

Rick was all excited. Initially, he felt relief that he might just pay off his debts and avoid jail. Then he started dreaming, of all that money coming in. He would finally have the good life. He would be wealthy and successful. He would be somebody. He even shivered as he paced back and forth, encouraging Pam to work on their proposal for this man from out of town. Pam had said he was black, but Rick did not even care, as long as the color of his money was green. Hell, he did not even care that the black man was fucking Gayle. Though it did irk him a bit, for he had tried to fuck Gayle several times since their breakdown, and she always turned him down. And now she was giving it up to a Nigger. But hell, so what. Once the contract was secured, he could buy himself ten hos like Gayle, and get Pam worked on by some beauty surgeons. Hell he could have her looking ten times better than Gayle.

Chapter 5

It was a hot, cloudless, sunny afternoon.

Gayle's sports car drove down a dusty road that split through cornfields. She slid to a stop near a rocky hill. The driver, Don, was a black man in his mid to late thirties. He had removed his shirt and the hot rays of the hot sun felt so good, soaking into his dark skin. His hair was cut very shot and he had a pleasant, handsome face with thick features. He was tall, handsome, dark and lean and athletic, his dark muscles very well defined and toned. He puffed casually on a joint, his dark eyes gazing at the cornfields. It was cornfields everywhere he looked, in all directions. Blond corn.

As blond, but probably not as smooth and silky as the blond hair he was running his fingers through. He took a deep puff, and then his gaze traveled down to the pretty face that was looking up at him from his lap. Gayle was laying on her side in her seat, facing him, her head on his lap and his dick in her mouth, as she stroked and suckled on the thick, dark man meat. One long leg was tucked in under her and the other was raised and draped over the door of the drop top. Her jeans were open, hanging half way down her long, supple thighs. He had eased her thong off her shaved pussy and was stroking and fingering her engorged, glistening pink pussy casually, making her roll her hips as she sucked him just how he liked it, nice and slow.

"Oh yes Gayle. Get it girl. Get that dick. Nice and slow. Lean back on your heels so I can see that pretty face while you eat that black cock!"

"Mmmm!" Slurp! "Mmmm- uhhh-uhhh..." Gayle moaned with relish, in a soft, husky voice as she jerked Don's big, thick, veined black shaft that was all slick from the drool of her pretty mouth that was wrapped around the thick, bulbous head, a hot, engorged dick head, that was filling her mouth to bursting.

"You nasty! Lets climb up that hill and chill a bit. Take a rug or something, so you can kneel at my feet and deep throat this motherfucker. You love it in your throat, don't you!"

"Yessss!" she rasped in a throaty voice, smiling and stroking his cock, eying it greedily. "But what will you say to my husband if you burst my windpipe?"

"Fuck him. Take off your jeans and that wet t-shirt. But keep the heels on. We going for a walk up the hill."

"No! Don! Are you crazy!" she squealed. "Gosh, if some folk walk up to us, I cannot hide my nakedness. Everybody knows everybody around here, and the whole town will know about us in a second."

"What you worried about, that they will know that you are cheating on Andrew, or that you are fucking a nasty Nigga!"

"Both!" she chuckled. "They will lynch you!"

"Hell, let them try," he opened his glove compartment and took out his pistol. He was licensed to carry one.

"get naked and lets go bitch."

Within seconds, she was Gayle was naked, except for her lace, turquoise bra and matching tiny thong and high heels. Don was shirtless, holding up his longs, as the tall, leggy blond led him up the hill by his dick, holding a rug in the other. They had both put on cow boy hats by now.

As he gazed at her small, round ass and lithe, smoothly tanned body, Don remembered how he had started fucking Gayle. He had come into town on business and spotted her at the Hotel she worked. She was behind the desk, a pretty blond in a sexy uniform. She hadn't taken much notice of him at first. But he had seen her flirting openly with another hotel guest, some fat, balding, middle aged white dude in an expensive suit.

For two days, she had not taken much note of him. Then he saw standing at the reception with the secretary of the company that he was negotiating with, concerning several contracts his firm wanted to give out. He saw the two women lean closer together and chat, about him obviously.

Gayle was surprised when her friend informed her that the black man was very rich. She suddenly became interested in him. Gayle hated having to work the boring job in the hotel and support her husband and kids. She felt cheated. When she married Andrew, she thought she was set for life. Then he had to get burned out and start a mid life crisis. Gayle of course did not see that she was partly responsible, for having made him work like a slave to support her lavish tastes.

All she felt was that she was cheated by Andrew. She had been playing with the idea of having a wealthy lover for a couple of weeks. At first, Don did not seem like a good prospect. He was black and she had never dated them. There weren't any in town, and folks did not hold much of them. But then she decided after a while that Don was all right. He was from out of town and wealthy. She could have an affair with him, visit him, take care of his sexual needs when he was around. As long as he was willing to spend, of course.

Her mind made up, Gayle had suddenly become very friendly to the black man. Don knew it was because she had found out that he was rich. Don had simple attitude to women, if they behaved like ladies, he treated them so, but if they behaved like gold diggers, he took them and used them like sluts. He could see big dollar signs in Gayle's eyes when he came to pick up his keys that evening. She told him in a seductive voice, that if he needed anything, to just call.

Don did not like her character, but he liked her looks. He decided he could use a tall, slim pretty blond playmate to while up the time in town. And he would be dropping by to do business once in a while, so why not get himself a slut on stand by.

Then he asked her when she was knocking off and would she mind bringing a bottle of her favorite wine to his suite, for a couple of drinks. She said should go home to her kids and husband, but did not seem all that resolute about it. He gave her a tip of two hundred bucks in advance, saying that just a couple of hour wouldn't hurt, and she could buy her kids presents with the money. To him it was peanuts, but her eyes lit up. She said she would see what she could do.

An hour later, she was in his suite. They smoked joints and drank the expensive wine she had brought. He chatted with her a bit, letting her know that he was a wealthy, jet setting millionaire, and that he was single and looking for a nice lady companion. He saw her scheming eyes beginning to shine. When he asked her about her family, she started talking shit about her husband, saying he had lost his job and she had to pay his lazy way.

"Shit, that ain't the way to treat a lady. I would take very good care of you. Such a pretty woman like you, hell, I would give you the life you deserve. What type of car do you drive."

"Oh, a Ford Escort," she responded, with shame in her eyes.

"Listen, is there a nice car rental in town. Why don't you get me their number tomorrow, and I will call. You can pick up any car you wish to drive. If you like it, we will buy it for you."

"No! You couldn't."

"its not a problem. And I have nothing against your clothes, but maybe I can give you a little something to buy some jewels and nice clothes," he took two thousand dollars from his pocket and put it in her hands.

"No! I cant accept this. I am married, yunno."

"That is not a problem. You need a man who can take care of you, instead of that lazy bum. I think you would look fabulous in silk and lace. I like thongs, personally. You could shave the sides of your pussy and lips, I like it clean when I lick it." he was looking pointedly in her eyes. She blushed and as she held the money.

"My goodness. You are direct and shameless aren't you?" she rasped.

"We are both grown folks. Now, if you and me get along, well, I will be in town like once in a month, and it would be great if we could get together. You can also fly out to visit me, first class of course, and we can go to some nice places together. And I will make sure you live good. You don't deserve to be working a desk in some hotel."

"I need to think about all this..." she rasped, not wanting to show him that she was already loving the idea. But she put the money in her pocket.

Since her marriage, Gayle had not cheated on Andrew, but she had used men for their money before in life. None of them had been this direct and upfront like this black man.
