How To Piss Off An Editor

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What not to do in dealing with an editor.
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This is my Christmas Gift to all my fellow editors :)

In my time as an editor I’ve received stories from people of several continents, male and female. The stories have all been varied and of different lengths(who says size doesn’t matter!!!!!!!), some good, some bad, some totally awful and some absolutely awesome!

When I first sat down to do this, all I was doing was making a list to myself about all the things a writer does that really pisses me off. I found many more irritations than I initially expected and I wondered if I should make an essay of this. The more I was writing, the more I thought that other editors would recognize the same faults in writers they have worked with or are now working with. Then Ireally thought and realized that I could make it into a how-to list for writers so they know whatnot to do when comes the time to work with an editor; whether they realize it or not.

So here is my list, in no particular order, of whatYOU, as a writer, should consider neverEVER doing before engaging with an editor.

I hope this also raises a laugh or two among my fellow editors. As you can see I resisted the temptation to name those erring writers who were the inspiration behind my list.

• Have an inability to accept criticism and comments;
(Why do they ask us if they don’t want to hear it???)

• Think that you’re story is so good that you’re doing a favour to the editor in sending it to them;
(Not all writers can be “RGJOHN” or “MASTER_VASSAGO”)

• Ask for advice but don’t take any;
(Self explanatory)

• Don’t do the correction(s) suggested by the editor;
(They post their story anyway and then complain to us that they don’t get good reviews)

• Complain when the editor tells you what is wrong with your story or what its lacking;
(Even the contest winners are not right every time)

• Don’t re-read what you have written before sending it to the editor; Make him/her double his/her work load correcting minor mistakes that could have been easily done by you;
(What else is the “grammar and spelling” function in Word good for?)

• Write a story so poorly written that it’s a total waste of time for the editor to go through it;
(Did our education system really let people down so badly:(?)

• Have no depth of characters or interaction between said characters;
(I know it’s primarily a sex story site but really…!!!)

• Believe that the editor is your “slave” and will do everything for you;
(You wouldn’t believe what one of them wanted me to do :O!)

• Think the editor is only a proof-reader and won’t accept that he/she has things to say;
(Yeah sure we are puppets and only there for them to use when the need arise!!!)

• Expect the editor to do a total rewrite of your work and don’t even say thank you when the final product is done;
(Has anyone else had to change ENTIRE paragraphs?)

• Don’t read the editor profile correctly and send them a story that they have no interest in editing;
(Don’t you just hate receiving a story in a category your profile specifically excluded?)

• Be careless how you dress and undress your character;
(They put a hand up her skirt and into her panties but take her jeans down and discover she’s sans panty :-\)

• Send the wrong type of file even though the editor clearly mentioned the type of files he wants to receive;
(Self explanatory)

• Ask for recommendations of what the editor thinks is GOOD writing and then go and trash those writers just because the editor said they were better then you (YOU know who you are don’t you?);
(It’s funny how writers I’ve recommended suddenly get “anonymous” negative feedback when previously they only had praise from everyone)

• Ask the editor for storylines and/or ideas and pass them as your own;
(One of my “former” writers changed a whole scene in one of his stories using the idea I gave him and his book was published without an appropriate acknowledgement)

• Don’t appreciate and acknowledge the work the editor did for you;
(A simple thank you does good doesn’t it ?)

• Change the name of your character halfway through the story;
(One minute she’s Julie and the next she’s Suzy?????? But at least Dave hasn’t become Sheila without a sex-change operation :O)

• Fail to recognize that some words just aren’t sexy;
(Apologies to British readers but “trousers” just isn’t sexy. We all have our pet peeves so I won’t name them but can anybody REALLY like “poop chute?”)

• Be inconsistent in the way you describe your character;
(How can their character be a total slut on one page and yet the next is all sweet and innocent; pushing the envelope so far as depicting her as a virgin is totally beyond my understanding!!!)

• Make derogatory comments about the editor in retaliation to the aforementioned editor’s comments/criticisms about your story;
(Funny how some writers regress to childhood when they don’t like what you have to say!)

This list could go on and on like that. But after all I’m an editor and I’ve edited it! :P

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BelpheBelpheabout 2 years ago

Damn, this was hilarious. Thanks for the laugh. And I do tend to agree that most people don't user spell check at all.

vulvatriciousvulvatriciousover 2 years ago

Oh yeah. I forgot my peeve with folks who seem to think that just because they are using a speech-to-text app, they don't need to spell- or grammar-check. Homonyms, people, just for starters!

vulvatriciousvulvatriciousover 2 years ago

(What else is the “grammar and spelling” function in Word good for?)

...and, more recently, Grammarly. Even the free version is useful.

P_AndererP_Andererover 2 years ago

OK, so this post does have a couple of errors - which proves that even Editors make mistakes too. I.e. we are human as well. But what gets my goat, is when I receive a story, open it in Word and find that it looks like a spider dipped in red ink has walked all over it.

I've even received submissions where, for instance, the first letter of sentences hasn't been capitalised.

MainboyMainboyover 2 years ago

I had ro giggle at this.... you're instead of of your? Lovely gloop. :-))

EnceaEnceaabout 3 years ago
Close Enough to Easter to Resurrect?

How to piss off a forum mod: Necro a thread from three months ago. :P (I'm sorry!)

This is a beautiful list. I was a professional editor for a decade, so this is dear to my heart. I've had writers fight tooth and nail against my edits, because of their "creative freedom." But language is a set of rules. There's no freedom there. Be innovative, if you want creative freedom, don't just mangle the language; find ways to use esoteric words appropriately and vary your verbiage. It's really, really, really bad to have really bad repetition of repetitively bad wording. (My heart hurts having just typed that.)

Also, never argue with your editor. Once you've asked an editor to edit, you're at their mercy, and you're going to have to get over it. If you're content with mediocrity, that's one thing, but if you hope to improve as a writer, shut up and do what your editor says. If you're certain it's not an error, PLEASE TELL US WHY. Don't just cry about how you're not an idiot and we're terrible. Tell us where we screwed up, and show us why the error is ours. I promise, you will be appreciated for it. We always want to be informed, but are rarely willing to waste time arguing with an aspiring writer, whose (see what I did there?) never going to accept their own failings, and hence never strive to improve.

PS: Omitting serial commas will be your undoing. :P

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

“Think that you’re story is so good that you’re doing a favour to the editor”

Editor? Stopped reading there. I’d expect a grade nine student to spot the major error.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Thank you

Some are self explanatory others, well yes sometimes we do not think things through......

At least I know what not to do now ....I hope

Have a great New year!

TossawayTossawayover 8 years ago
LadyCibelle, Again, Well Done

I, like Kitist02 have written engineering technical procedures & user manuals. Your "How To's" will be of great benefit to folks like Kitist02 & me, THANK YOU!!!

I have left 5*'s on both "How To's". I hope it helps your Lit standing.

Kitist02Kitist02over 8 years ago
"Retired Editor"

First , I'm a newby on Literotica and haven't established a relationship with the ground rules. Second, I'm a retired technical editor and haven't edited much fiction (Unless you include financial reports. Now *there* is some awesome fiction. Not sexy, but awesome.). Third, I have learned that haven't really retired because no matter what I read, typos, grammar, and spelling errors(?) leap off the page and jolt me. (Sometimes creative spelling works.)

When this word processing thing first developed and spell checkers began to come available, I found myself ranting to my colleagues and writers about correctly spelled incorrect words. Now they are ubiquitous and too many authors rely too heavily on them. Spell checkers lead to correctly spelled but wrong words.

(Isn't this a long introduction to a complaint about something on your list?) O.K., I know your list isn't and can't be the ultimate guide to editors and editing. But it is an excellent introduction to "How to Annoy an Editor".

Case in point from your list:

• Don’t re-read what you have written before sending it to the editor; Make him/her double his/her work load correcting minor mistakes that could have been easily done by you;

(What else is the “grammar and spelling” function in Word good for?)

Some of my writers fell into this "lazy man's" trap. I'd correct the first oops, but at the second I would send it back for a re-write. Most of them learned to proof read their work and that of the writer next to them. Too bad that it's inefficient to do so at this level of writing. USPS could make more money 'cause somebody must pay the postage.

O.K., rant's over. Thank you for a useful list of Don'ts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This is doubtless deeply useful advice, but I was a little disappointed in the piece. I wanted to read as you cleverly dissect the idiots who subject you as editor to the same pitiful ploys over and over again. I wanted to witness you wittily lambasting their failures. Advice stings, and I was hoping for some pithy humor to sweeten it. Alas, the piece consists of a list of complaints, which leaves this miscreant uninspired to reform.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Bullet point two:

YOUR story (possessive).


LokishoneyLokishoneyover 11 years ago

Sadly, you would think the majority of your advice would be basic knowledge for writers. Loved the sarcasm, by the way.

Jack_LoveJack_Loveover 12 years ago
funny & informative

Incidentally, I haven't used the services of an editor here on Literotica myself yet. But your article was fun to read and chock-full of good advice and common sense. I really empathize with you!

MadBrownMadBrownalmost 13 years ago
I,m no editor, but...

I'm no editor. I am a new writer who has made many mistakes and I was reading your treatise to learn something more about writing. However, your misuse of the word "you're" for the proper possessive "your" leaves me with doubt. This misuse was particularly glaring when the contraction "you're" was used correctly in the same sentence.

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