Mistaken Identity


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Santha's mind was in turmoil. She felt helpless, and apprehensive, but that very feeling seemed to be driving the fire in her pussy, adding a dimension to her arousal she had never encountered. It was so wrong to have a woman doing such things to her, but the mental blocks against it were crumbling under the assault of such undeniable pleasure. Even the mild pain from her nipples seemed to be woven into the tapestry of sensation, bringing with it another level of awareness. Her rational mind was quickly falling by the wayside as the mounting physical sensations simply pushed thought from her head.

Kat seemed determined to drive her insane, delicately tonguing her clitoral hood while unsnapping the strap across the base of the vibe. She caught it with her free hand and began to slide it in and out of Santha's pussy, twisting it as she did so. Her tongue teased and feathered Santha's clitoral hood, slowly drawing the little organ out. For a while she avoided it, keeping her tongue out of direct contact, but licking all around it.

Santha groaned, jogging her hips to meet the vibe's thrusts. She felt strange, her body was tense, far more so than she was used to in sessions with her vibe. Her inner muscles clamped down, as if trying to hold the vibe inside and her limbs felt cold. When her anus began to clench in time to the soft tonguing she whimpered into the gag. The influx of sensation was becoming overwhelming and she was fighting against her impending orgasm.

Santha ceased fighting and gave herself to the moment. She could feel it building, and she wanted it now, wanted to feel the release that she knew would come with it. Kat had other ideas, and pulled the vibe out, lifting her face from her captive's quivering pussy at the last possible moment.

The small blonde cried into her gag in frustration, her eyes pleading with the woman whose face now glistened with her juices.

"Now, now, you know better than to cum before I give you permission. You really are in a mood today aren't you? Hmmm? I think you need your ass tanned," she said as she wiped her face with the back of her hand and dismounted from the bed.

She undid the straps holding Santha's legs in place and shortened the collapsible bar until her legs were held together about a foot apart. She then undid the clips on Santha's collar and effortlessly picked her up, carrying her into the living room. Kat placed Santha on the sofa and stood back, slowly removing her leather jacket. Underneath she wore a pair of black jodhpurs and a white blouse. The small girl could tell she was braless, as her large breasts strained against the linen and her dark aureoles were evident behind the thin material. She had on a black belt and from it hung a stout black leather paddle.

Katrina seated herself in the old rocker Angelique had insisted they bring from home. She smacked the paddle into the palm of her hand and smiled wickedly at Santha.

"Now, be a good girl and come get your spanking."

When Santha didn't move her face hardened, though her smile stayed frozen in place.

"I'll give you the count of three young lady. Continue this insolent behavior and I'll string you up and use the cat on you. Get your ass across my lap…Now!"

Santha struggled to her feet and hobbled towards her. She wasn't sure if it was the threat of the whip or the burning desire that drove her, but she didn't even consider resisting now. She meekly draped herself across the big woman's lap, with her head and feet on the floor and her ass upthrust.

"Much better," Kat said as she stroked the soft pale skin of Santha's ass.

The first blow landed with breath taking suddenness. Santha screamed into her gag as the fiery sting cut though the fog of lust. Another fell and another, soon the room was filled with the rhythmic smack of leather on flesh and Santha's nearly hysterical cries, muffled by the gag.

Santha hadn't been spanked in years and she had forgotten how much it stung, but over time a strange thing happened. The fierce heat radiating from her ass seemed to mingle and fuse with the burning need in her pussy. She found herself anticipating the next one, wanting the fiery blast of pain/pleasure it would bring. Her face was streaked with tears, but she could also feel her juices oozing from her swollen sex.

"Well, that's a lot better," Katrina said as she tossed the paddle aside and gently pushed Santha off her lap.

Santha was dazed and didn't move, even when Katrina left her alone while she went back to the bedroom. She was curled up on the floor and panting when the big woman returned. Santha looked up and all the blood drained from her face.

The tall woman was naked, from the waist down. A broad black girdle was around her waist and an imposing black dildo bobbed lewdly from the triangle of leather that covered her mound. She had several black straps in one hand and a tube of lubricant in the other.

She easily picked up the stunned girl and laid her face first across one of the stout end tables. Her head hung down and she could see back between her legs as the woman quickly adjusted the spreader bar and then strapped her thighs tightly to the table legs.

"Now, it's time for some serious fucking. You better be good and wait till give you permission to cum angel, or it will be a long weekend for you," she said as she undid the buckles and pulled the leather strap panties or whatever they were from around Santha's trim waist.

The tall woman stroked the imposing dildo and scooted between the bound girl's legs. Santha could see the huge black cock bobbing from the woman's hips and groaned into her gag. She was sure it would split her in half and tears ran down her face. Partly fear, but more humiliation because she wanted it so badly. At that moment a key rattled in the door and Angelique stepped into the house. She froze, the shock on her face was evident.

"Katrina? Santha? What the fuck!?"

"Santha?" the big woman exclaimed then looked back at her bound victim.

Her eyes went back to the girl in the red dress and collar standing in the door way.

"Oh my god!" Katrina wailed as it became evident to her what had happened.

Angelique quickly closed the door as Katrina began undoing the straps that held Santha's legs. Angelique rushed over and began unbuckling the ball gag.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" Angelique screamed.

"I'm sorry angel, you said be here at nine, I came in and…Oh my god," she said as the blood drained from her face.

"Santh? Baby? Are you all right?" Angelique cried as she tossed the gag to the floor and started unlacing the collar.

Santha's head was still down and her breathing was ragged, she tried to speak, but could only mumble.

"What did you do to her?" Angelique demanded.

"I thought it was you, I didn't know…" she whispered as she fell back on her knees, her hands hanging at her sides.

Angelique reached out and slapped her, hard.

"Snap out of it! What did you do to her?" Angelique demanded as she undid the manacles that held Santha's arms prisoner.

Katrina shook her head and took a deep breath.

"The normal stuff. I thought she was you, playing the brat, so I…I gave her the full treatment," she finished in a whisper.

"Fuck! This can not be happening! Help me get her to her bed," Angelique cried.

Katrina nodded and scooped Santha up in her strong arms, taking her down the hallway toward the bedrooms. Angelique ran ahead and opened the door to Santha's room. Katrina balked when she saw the room, so girlish and innocent, but managed to lay Santha on the bed. Angelique then noticed her sister's shaved pussy.

"You shaved her bush?" she shouted.

Katrina shrugged helplessly.

"How could you be so stupid? She isn't even gay! Fuck, she's never even been out on a date since highschool," Angelique finished, breaking down into tears as she held Santha's hand.

"I'll leave," Katrina said, rising slowly.

"I think you'd better," Angelique said harshly.

The big woman stood and turned, shoulders bowed and started towards the door of the room.

"No, don't go," a soft voice called.

Both turned their heads quickly to see Santha slowly sitting up.

"I'm so sorry sis," Angelique said as she helped her sister to sit up against the pillows.

"Don't be mad at her," the shy girl said blushing furiously.

Angelique looked at her carefully and then a ghost of a smile crossed her face.

"I'm not really, I was just worried sick about you."

"I'm all right, I just…" she couldn't finish and hid her face in her hands.

Angelique laughed then, a laugh that was more relief than humor. Katrina sat on the bed, still looking forlorn. Angelique took her hand and kissed the back of it, which caused the big woman to smile sheepishly.

"I'm so sorry Santha," she started, fumbling for words, "I really didn't know it was you," she finished lamely.

Santha blushed furiously and again hid her face in her hands.

"I don't think an apology is going to be enough," Angelique said, with a smirk.

When Katrina looked at her in confusion the blonde smiled.

"I think what my sister is trying to say is you have gotten her all hot and horny and if you want to make things right you are going to have to fix that, isn't that right Santh?"

The shy girl looked again at Katrina and nodded, still blushing furiously. Angel shook her head and kissed Santha's forehead.

For a long while the room was silent. Katrina had her head down and was shaking slightly and Santha was mortally embarrassed. Katrina had seemed so strong, so commanding and powerful, but now she seemed small and upset. Santha impulsively reached out and took her hand.

"It's all right," the shy girl said in a near whisper.

The tall woman looked up at her and Santha was surprised to see tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I'll do anything to make it up to you," Katrina said earnestly.

"Don't be. I…I've never felt so good. I had no idea…I mean, I didn't know doing it could be so much fun," Santha faltered.

"Oh, she's barrels of fun," Angelique snickered.

"It's a lot of fun, but I would never…I mean, I'm a domme but I'm no rapist!"

"I'm not upset…I mean, I am, but I'm not mad, I'm just…Oh god, I'm dying to get laid," Santha blurted, her whole body flushing.

"Well, I'm sure you can. Just call your boyfriend, I'll take Angel out and we will leave the house to you," Katrina replied.

"I don't have a boyfriend."


"No," Santha whispered.

Katrina looked at her with a scowl and then tentatively reached out and touched her hip. Her hand was so soft and gentle as it stroked back and forth. Santha sighed and parted her thighs. The big woman eased herself between the girl's slim legs and then hesitated.

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Yes, just be gentle please," Santha said, her eyes now locked onto the monstrous dildo dangling from Katrina's wide hips.

"I will, I swear," Katrina said encouragingly, "Just relax, baby."

"I'll see to it she is," Angelique said, taking Santha's hand in her own.

It was so strange, having her sister here, but it was comforting. Santha knew if she didn't have Angel there to give her encouragement she would chicken out. While that didn't seem too terrible and in fact part of her wanted to, the taste of pleasure she had experienced was so unreal she couldn't just forget it. She knew she might never again have the chance to do this and she silently thanked Angel for being there. It seemed her sister understood, as she held her hand and gently wiped her brow.

"Angel?" Kat asked hesitantly.

"Go ahead lover. Just be gentle with her, and make sure you remember it isn't me. I know how you are when you get going and she isn't up for some of things you know I love."

Katrina scooted up on her knees and used one hand to gently spread Santha's still damp lips. With the other she lined the head of the huge cock up with the slight girl's entrance. Katrina leaned over, holding her weight up on her arms and spreading her knees wider. She slowly lowered herself, but felt the thick cock bend rather than penetrate. Falling to her elbow, she reached back with her right hand and grasped the big dildo and held it on target.

Santha groaned as she felt the head pressing against her entrance. Katrina moved her head to Santha's shoulder and whispered in her ear.

"Have you ever had a really big cock baby?"

"No," Santha hissed.

"Relax, you're gonna love it. Wrap your legs around me," Katrina commanded.

Santha moved her legs and as she did so the head forced its way into her tunnel.

"Oh!" she exclaimed wiggling under Katrina, but the big woman let more of her weight rest on the dildo, driving part of the thick shaft into Santha's tight pussy.

Katrina nipped her ear lobe as more of the big cock sliced into the quivering girl beneath her.

"Slow!" Santha whimpered.

"I'm trying. You're so fucking tight," Katrina gasped through clenched teeth.

Santha grimaced as more of it was forced into her. She felt like she was about to be split in half.

"Ow! I don't think I can do this."

"Shhh, shhh baby. Just relax, you'll get used to it, I promise," Katrina whispered.

"Just relax sis, it'll feel wonderful in a few minutes," Angelique said encouragingly.

Santha nodded, not trusting her voice and tried to relax. As she breathed deeply her muscles unwound and the dildo slowly sank into her pussy. She looked down, between their bodies, shocked at how widely her lips were stretched. The thick shaft looked so large and she involuntarily tensed, but rather than pain, she felt only a wild thrill at being so full.

Her inner muscles quivered and gripped the thick shaft and the strong shocks of pleasure she felt overcame her fear. She groaned as Kat's weight forced the last of the huge cock into her pussy.

The big woman held very still, allowing Santha to adjust to the dildo. She kissed her shoulder and neck, eventually moving to the blonde's ear and gently tonguing it.

"How's it feel baby?'

"Good," she grunted.

Katrina nodded and began to work her hips, at first just pressing down and relaxing, but over time she began to flex her hips up, drawing the dildo out slightly before pressing back in.

Santha's eyes were tightly shut and her legs were locked at the small of Katrina's back. Her hand held onto her sister's hand like it was a lifeline. Soon Kat was pulling over half of the big dildo out with each motion. She wasn't thrusting it back in, but pausing and then letting her weight carry it back slowly. Only when Santha's hips began to rise to meet her did she put any power into it.

"Slow!" Santha mumbled, "please…slow."

Kat didn't slow down, but also didn't increase the pace for a while. When she began to really thrust in earnest, Santha's pussy was so wet and accepting she met almost no resistance.

Santha moaned, and then bit her lower lip. It felt so good! The friction had abated and with it the pain. Now it just felt wonderful, filling her so completely, then leaving her achingly empty. Her hips were rising to meet Kat's thrusts and the leather pad brushing her clit sent sparks of white hot pleasure shooting into her system.

"You're so fucking sexy," Kat whispered as she increased her pace and began to add the power from her thighs to each thrust.

The words of praise felt even better than the dildo and Santha beamed. As the sounds of their lovemaking filled the room she became lost in the sensations, totally oblivious to all around her.

"Fucking…tight…cunt," Katrina breathed, punctuating each word with a thrust of her hips.

"Kat!" Angel warned.


Santha was groaning, mewling and tossing her head when a particularly strong thrust drove the dildo to her very depths. Her whole body spasmed as her pussy went wild, contracting on the big intruder as pulses of pleasure radiated from her center. The release was so powerful it blotted out everything and for a long while she floated along on a wave of good feeling, punctuated by ripples of stronger pleasure.

She was still in that wonderful place when another orgasm crashed in upon her. It shot though her body at breakneck pace and slammed into her head where it exploded in a wild panoply of light and sensation. She heard herself shriek, the sound eclipsing Katrina's bark of pleasure.

When she came back to herself Kat was kissing her, the big cock still buried in her pussy, but now still. She kissed back, enjoying the closeness and happiness that followed the orgasmic euphoria. Neither seemed ready to move and she slowly drifted off into a deep and blissful sleep. Only then did she let go of her sister's hand.


When Santha awoke, she was alone in her bed. She felt very indolent and somehow very happy. When she remembered the events of the previous day she sat bolt upright in her bed. Her body protested, sore muscles in her arms, butt and pussy letting her know it hadn't been a dream.

She rose and took a hot shower, letting the water work out the kinks and relax her. While dressing she could hear quiet conversation coming from the kitchen. She started for her door several times, before she finally found the courage to open it and walk to the kitchen.

Angelique and Katrina sat at the table, sipping coffee. They both looked up as she entered and all three seemed at a loss for words.

"How do you feel?" Angel asked after the silence became awkward.


"That's good. We were worried about you."

"I'm okay, really," she replied as she went and got herself a cup of coffee.

She sat down, noticing that Angelique still wore her collar and high heels, even with her nightie. Kat seemed embarrassed, but just looking at her sent tendrils of desire through Santha's body.

"Well, this is fucking awkward," Kat said at last.

Angel looked at Santha and she returned the gaze. Slowly one, then the other broke out into a fit of giggles. Angelique quickly stood, took Santha's hand and led her away. They returned a few minutes later.

Both wore collars, with matching lingerie, and heels. One in black, the other in white.

"What's this?"

"Well," one started.

"If you are going to stay, we thought," the other continued.

"You had better learn to tell us apart!" they both finished with big grins.


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Ravey19Ravey1911 months ago

Brilliant short story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Excellent story. Classic twins situation, and has a very happy ending.

Well written and to the point. For my tastes it was a little short, i would have been happy to read part two, where Santha gets to play with Kat on her own, learning, terms.

Thank you. I also sad you have stopped posting stories.

I have no idea why people would write such awful comments, but there are alot of sad and intolerant people about these days. Good idea....if you dont like fetish stories dont read on literotica. Dumb asses.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Wish you were still writing

I really like your stories wish you were still posting

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Loved it

Not sure why there's so much hate I fucking love your stories. Wish you were still writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
What if Colleen Thomas was never a woman and is still living?

She could have us fooled? A talented male writer disguised as CT? Hmm never know do we?

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