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Such a good bang! she thought, relaxing beside him in the aftermath. His hands were itchy for a moment, raw, but then they were calm, reassuring. She felt herself settle into his simmering embrace. Their naked limbs wound around each other. "Doug?" Lisa asked, hoping he was not too exhausted yet.


"I'm a very multi-talented multi-orgasmic woman," Lisa spoke quickly, hoping she would not stammer. "Please... respect me. Please..."

His smile and subsequent caresses showed he had longed for such a lover as she. The twinges in her spine relaxed as he grappled with her. He was pushing her down again, excited yet calmer this time. She got tender now, urged him to be the same.

"Slow," she told him, whispering. She reached down to his balls, rubbed them and his organ back to full erection. Her lips meanwhile boldly touched his, kissing with firm intensity. Her fears were disappearing, convictions also. Except for one firm conviction. She would... adore this man, relax with this man, do as he wished. As long as he would do the same for her. Give her what she wanted, firm and repeatedly. Anticipate some of her needs and satisfy others she aired when he did not guess them. And she would help him towards the uncertainties. No lies, no gaslighting, no unpleasant games.

They relaxed together, with no conflict, no overly quick or hesitant motions. Long bouts of stroking, kisses and caresses. His shaft thrusting inside her. His hands squeezing her breasts, roaming over her backside. His lips touching hers, giving her water in the desert. Then they were sucking at her teats. Lisa could also still taste her cunt's flavor on him, her sacred juices' hot intense flavor. She found her own panties on the bed where he had discarded them, stroked them and the sheets for a moment. Then she was caressing him again. She shivered, clenching her every muscle and then releasing it. She appreciated everything Doug was doing to her, every wonderful thing.

And he was bringing the same emotion to her. There were still secrets between them, but not any she cared to immediately uncover. They were obsessed with each other, joining together, moving together. Such bliss, such joy, such...

She was erupting again, and so was he. In what felt like the same instant. She relaxed as their shared orgasm subsided, then moved off him and relaxed again.

"That's enough for tonight," she told her Hero, sensing his fatigue. "But, Doug..."

Yes, Lisa?"

"I have a copy of the Kama Sutra, and some neotantra books too. I want you to study them, do to me everything you see in them that you want to do and nothing I don't want. I will tell you the difference. I have certain sites on the web that can give you further ideas."

"And your girlfriends can help too," he conjectured. "You'll want me to watch you with them..."

"I'll watch them with you also," Lisa told him, smiling. "Including Elena, if she's willing, if Boris will let you. We'll ask him, if you want."

"Okay." Doug was nodding. "And if you want me and Boris... or me and another man, we can touch you together. I'm good with that." He laughed.

Lisa smiled along. She nodded at his next question. Yes, she would shag him alongside Shauna and Tara, and with any other woman who was willing. I'll ask him about my vibrator later, she decided. No reason to bring it up right now. But if he can use it on me as well as I can... as well as he can do everything else... We will have such a long amazing life together, she concluded, content.

His voice caught her attention. "Lisa?"


"One thing. One thing. I..."

Lisa interrupted him with a brief kiss, then said the word they had agreed on earlier. "Love. I love you!"

"I know," Doug said, tears on his face. Then he was asleep by her side. Lisa settled against him, soon finding the same deep awesome state.


Chapter 7- Relationship Resolution.

The couple continued dating for the remainder of their mutual college days. Lisa taught Doug all she knew about loving women, about polyamory also. He taught her a few new tricks about pleasing men and new games and martial arts, too, just as she'd hoped. Together they had much hot sex, many fun dates, just over four years of wonder. They went through a few ups and downs, but their relationship was mostly smooth. Yet it did not cement further immediately after college.

Doug completed his bachelor's degree, while Lisa achieved that and her master's. After graduating in 2000, Doug took advantage of Silvan Farrow and the Friendship's benefactor program to be hired by the Travis County Sheriff's Office as a Deputy. He held the position honorably for two years before the stress of being a police officer got to him and he retired. He then entered the Friendship's benefactor program again to establish himself as an entertainment mogul while also becoming a skilled author, cocktail brewer, and chef.

Lisa meanwhile used the program herself to apply to a West Coast Ivy League university for her doctoral psychology degree, which she then left Texas to earn. Following that degree's award, she again used the Friendship's program to establish a private psychotherapy service with various contacts in law enforcement and business around the world. She and Doug had by then broken off their close relationship as a result of the different directions their lives had taken. Silvan's benefactor program had forced them apart and despite all their efforts, a long distance close relationship could not easily be maintained.

Lisa understood this and set Doug free, after his request that she do so, remaining his infrequently contacted friend with benefits. She then allowed him to date as a more regular partner another woman named Angie Messina who had come into both their lives during their time together. Like Shauna and Tara, Angie had been their mutual sympathetic ear for a while, and also their threesome partner. Angie had moved into their West Campus house after Elena moved out to live with Boris in 1999. Doug started dating Angie after Lisa left Texas in 2001.

Later Lisa heard Doug broke up with Angie in 2002 to date Cat Osterman, whom he had met when she attended UT-Austin and played softball for his alma mater. Lisa and Doug exchanged a laugh about this over the phone and further joy at the discovery that Cat Osterman was also a bisexual swinger like Lisa. Doug's relationship with Cat declined to friends with benefits after Cat qualified for the 2004 Olympic Games. Lisa shrugged when she heard this, and later cheered Cat and Doug both on in their mutual endeavors.

In 2003, Doug moved overseas to London, England and established a night club called "Inside Out" that was also a swinger's haven. Many celebrities visited the club and became his friends. This included several other bisexual swinging women who ended up dating him for a while. Among their ranks were the actresses Keira Knightley, Erika Christensen, and Alicia Witt. Many other actresses, athletes, and other women also were in brief relationships with Doug, who remained heterosexual. This included Doug's former girlfriend Jodie Lee and Lisa's high school best friend Tess, both of whom came to work at Doug's club through serendipity.

He gladly spent time with all the women he called friends with benefits, loving many, but dated no one exclusively until 2010, when he met an international businesswoman named Marie O'Day. Doug fell hard for Marie, broke things off with all other girlfriends, and married his new love. Lisa was glad for him when she heard, but found herself emotionally incapable of attending their wedding. She later heard the relationship broke up in 2017 over unspecified irreconcilable differences. Maybe one of them was breaking rules they'd established? It did not matter. Clearly they were no longer in love. Again, she shrugged when she heard from Tess what had happened. By that point, Doug was naught but a fond memory of her past and a frequent reference for celebrity clients. But they were not more to each other. Their relationship had cooled.

In the years since Lisa had broken off her close relationship with Doug, she had become an internationally renowned psychologist, just as she dreamed. She established a reputation for the best kind of therapy. Always beneficial, always skilled. Never intimate physically, unless she and the client, also the client's spouses if any, allowed it. And that was rare, yet wonderful whenever it was allowed.

Her clients were mostly non-celebrities, but a few celebrities also. Whenever Doug found a person in need of psychological help, he directed them to seek Lisa out, test her appropriately. The clients she earned included some of the women Doug had dated and a few men he'd called friends also. Lisa dated several of these people, though she kept her treatment relationships mostly professional and never thought about marrying any of her clients. A few of Lisa's celebrity clients- Erika, Alicia, and Cat among them- greatly benefitted from her psychological coaching. Erika, having earned her own psychology degree, established a business similar to Lisa's that sidelined her acting. Alicia, Cat, and other people also improved their lives in response to Lisa's advice. Lisa was grateful to have aided them. However, she never opened her heart to anyone even when fervent inquiries were made.

Circumstances changed further over time. The breakup with Marie, Britain's economic difficulties related to Brexit, and the Covid-19 pandemic proved a triple blow Doug's business in London could not sustain. He closed down Inside Out and moved back to Austin for a time, then headed west when he heard from Silvan that Boris had established a resort hotel on the shores of Lake Tahoe. Doug's old comrade was doing well, but could use a new partner to help diversify his business.

"Elena and I are still together," Boris told Doug when asked. "We dated while you knew Lisa, as you should recall. We stayed together even after you and Lisa broke things off. My wife remembers you well as a friend. I do too."

Doug nodded at this information, then gladly accepted the offer of partnership. He hoped to get his economic life re-established before he pursued an avenue of which he had suddenly been reminded.

He had remembered something when Boris said Lisa's name. I always loved her, he realized, and she loved me, yet we never gave what we had a chance when it got difficult. Maybe if we had... he made an obvious conclusion and decided to proceed accordingly. First he took a few years to put his club back together as part of Boris' resort, hire back Security Chief Clarke and what other staff he could, make sure there were no significant obstacles. A few more relationship hook-ups were enjoyed while this was accomplished, though they remained casual and brief. Then Doug called his benefactor Silvan Farrow and made another request.

"I would like you to help me get back with Lisa," he said. "I am not sure it can happen. You helped us get together the first time, though. And you have helped me so many times before with so many difficult tasks. Can you do it again?"

The professed Faerie Alien Hybrid laughed. "I can tell you that Lisa may be alone and longing for companionship of one such as you, my friend. However, in matters such as you describe, even I have limited power. Remember what I have always told you about faith? Either you have it..."

"Or you don't," Doug completed, "and there is only one way to find out."

He took a few moments to compose a speech, then picked up the phone and called Lisa. Voice mail answered. He sighed, then began speaking.

"Lisa? It's Frost-Fire... I mean, Doug. You may not remember me, you may not be single now, though I hope otherwise... shoot, that sounds cruel. I... let me start again." He paused, then spoke firmly with conviction.

"Lisa. This is Doug Ramsay. I hope you remember me. If you do remember me, if you are alone, if you are willing, I would like to get back together with you and revive what we once had in our college years. I know it has been over two decades since then. I know we are older now, and things have changed greatly for us both. I know time has passed. What I also know... is that my feelings for you have grown stronger during our time apart. There was a time when I forgot these feelings, when I let other women into my heart and life... however none of those relationships lasted. Some of the women I loved- Angie, Cat, Erika, Keira, others- have married other people since our breakups. Some others- Marie, Alicia, a few more I need not name- are single, but I don't wish to get back with them. They don't wish to get back with me either. I asked those I was willing to ask, and every time we found that emotional baggage and other issues too clearly kept us apart. I am not sure if that will be the case with you also, but... I want to see if it can be otherwise. I hope you do as well. I love you, Lisa, and I have faith our relationship can last if we revive it. Can you agree? Please let me know. Please..."

He started to hang up, unable to speak further.

Then the phone was answered by a rapidly breathing familiar voice. "I love you too, Doug!" Lisa proclaimed. "Yes!"

A reunion and a few months of dating followed, just so they could both make sure they were right about their faith in how they still felt about each other. Then, in late 2023, Doug made another inquiry to which Lisa gave the same affirmative answer. Silvan was called again following that affirmation, and asked to visit the new Inside Out club at the Garin-Ruiz Lake Tahoe resort hotel.

On the occasion in question, as expected, wedding preparations were in full swing. Hundreds of guests, celebrity and otherwise, were gathering. Their number included many of Doug and Lisa's family and friends, celebrities and less famous people, all who could attend the event. A frustrated but expert coordinator named Franck Egglehoffer was doing what he could to help manage arrangements. Boris, Clarke, and a few others stood as groomsmen. Elena, the now married Shauna and Tara, Tess, and a few others had been appointed bridesmaids. The ceremony was nearly ready to begin. Only the officiant had yet to be hired. Silvan assented after a short conversation with the couple in love.

"Is this to be an exclusive relationship?" Silvan asked them.

"Yes, in matters of true love," Doug answered. He and Lisa had discussed the issue earlier. "We might swap or dally with others on occasion. Some of our many friends with benefits remain such. However, we will always ultimately return to each other. Neither Lisa or I are into co-spouses or harems or any crazy formal arrangements. It's an open marriage, I guess we'll call it, but one we work at, with rules."

"And a loving marriage too," Lisa added when Silvan looked at her. "A very loving open marriage between a Knight and his Lady. We'll skirt rules, but we won't break their spirit. It's a relationship we have faith will last a long time."

The emotion in both their voices illustrated the feeling behind their words.

Silvan smiled and accepted the love they displayed. Later, as they requested, the entity conducted their ceremony.

"Do you love each other?" Silvan asked each of them, after they laid out their vows.

"We do," they answered in near unison, then sheepishly turned to each other and said "I do" one after the other as prompted by Silvan.

Smiling wider, their officiant raised long-fingered hands. "Then if no one objects... you are married, and may kiss one another."

The pause was not interrupted, and the kiss soon began. Doug and Lisa embraced one another and momentarily touched lips. The short time of their contact did not inhibit their intense emotion. They only parted quickly because they knew that better opportunities for union would come later and they did not want to waste good celebration time at their reception.

During those festivities, Lisa addressed Doug at a private moment. "I am willing to discuss children, after our honeymoon," she told him. "We're an older couple, and you know I can't get knocked up. I know about adoption and surrogates, though. I thought about it after I released you. I want children, but... I was waiting for the right father to come back into my life."

"You mean... I'm still..."

"Yes. I want to expand our family with you. I talked to Tess, who works for this resort now as a doctor. She thinks we can do it."

"Yeah, she worked at my old club too. She confirmed I'm actually fertile. We shagged but we n-never... No woman and I ever... conceived."

"I know. It's fine. The majority of your lovers are also mine!" Lisa smirked. "There may be other issues, but... I have faith things will work out for the best. Can you help me keep that faith, Hero?"

The answer came without hesitation. "As you wish."

And with faith, they lived and loved each other happily ever after.


The End.

Closing Notes- I intend to maintain the central couple of this story for the future of my connected fiction writings online, though my real life relationships may change. Lisa's character is based on the woman on whom I have based the majority of my female characters in online stories so far, for those who did not already know. Doug's character is based on a man similar to me. Future stories may reference or further expand their relationship, key moments in its history, or the relationships of satellite characters in this story and its connected saga. We'll see where things go. I am keeping my fantasy relationships evident online and my real life relationships hidden for obvious reasons. Feedback on my stories is appreciated. Thanks in advance. -AN.

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Victoria14xsVictoria14xs5 months ago

Thanks for recommending this. Well done, sir!

stewartbstewartb9 months ago

I enjoyed this story! I didn't think I would. I didn't think I could. It was hard work. But I did!

AchtungNightAchtungNight9 months agoAuthor

The reason it’s in this category is because of the genie helping the couple. Silvan really is what Silvan claims to be, l just carefully wrote the character to allow for a reasonable amount of disbelief. :)

ruddygoreruddygore9 months ago

Not bad but not my cup of tea. My question is, How did you pick SF&F as a category? It doesn't seem to fit.

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